Beyond Art Lounge (2021)
How to describe the Beyond Art Lounge? It’s like a science museum crossed with a playground mixed together with a carnival sprinkled with an art gallery and illuminated by a Grateful Dead light show. You can relax in a meditative or whimsical comfy space, play one-of-kind video games, make wild sounds and compose music, create felt art, paint with light, and generally indulge your visual cortex. ​
This was our first interactive immersive popup space! The Beyond Art Lounge, located at (171 E. State St.) on the Commons in the heart of downtown Ithaca, NY, ran from August to October 2022.
Collaborators on this project included our lead artists Laurence Clarkberg and Doug Shire, and the Beyond team: Angelina Blasich, Tony Bond, Allen Cosgrove, Tico Chango, John Fuchs, Lily Gershon, Karl Gesslein, Caleb Harrington, Kaylyn Kilkuskie, Savan Karamardian-DeSouza, Wendy Marvel, Cai Quirk, Elsa Quirk, Victor Rakovich, Mark Rosen, Liz Sciore-Jones, Norm Scott, Phoebe Shalloway, Judy Swann, Damaris Vasquez, John Walsh, Will Weave, and Annemarie Zwack.
Always remember: if you pass the giant psychedelic unicorn... you've gone too far!